simple_menu - Draw a Menu

New in version 1.4.

To allow quickly hacking some scripts, Pycardium has a small library for displaying menus. You can use it like this:

import color
import simple_menu

class MyMenu(simple_menu.Menu):
    color_1 = color.CAMPGREEN
    color_2 = color.CAMPGREEN_DARK

    def on_select(self, name, index):
        print("{!r} was selected!".format(name))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    MyMenu(["foo", "bar", "baz"]).run()
class simple_menu.Menu(entries)[source]

A simple menu for card10.

This menu class is supposed to be inherited from to create a menu as shown in the example above.

To instanciate the menu, pass a list of entries to the constructor:

m = Menu(os.listdir("."))

Then, call run() to start the event loop.

New in version 1.4.


Background color A.


Background color B.


Text color.


Color of the selector.

on_scroll(item, index)[source]

Hook when the selector scrolls to a new item.

This hook is run everytime a scroll-up or scroll-down is performed. Overwrite this function in your own menus if you want to do some action every time a new item is scrolled onto.

  • item – The item which the selector now points to.

  • index (int) – Index into the entries list of the item.

on_select(item, index)[source]

Hook when an item as selected.

The given index was selected with a SELECT button press. Overwrite this function in your menu to perform an action on select.

  • item – The item which was selected.

  • index (int) – Index into the entries list of the item.


Convert an entry object to a string representation.

Overwrite this functio if your menu items are not plain strings.


class MyMenu(simple_menu.Menu):
    def entry2name(self, value):
        return value[0]

    [("a", 123), ("b", 321)]
draw_entry(value, index, offset)[source]

Draw a single entry.

This is an internal function; you can override it for customized behavior.

  • value – The value for this entry. Use this to identify different entries.

  • index (int) – A unique index per entry. Stable for a certain entry, but not an index into entries.

  • offset (int) – Y-offset for this entry.


Draw the menu.

You’ll probably never need to call this yourself; it is called automatially in the event loop (run()).


Start the event-loop.


Iterate over button presses (event-loop).

This is just a helper function used internally by the menu. But you can of course use it for your own scripts as well. It works like this:

import simple_menu, buttons

for ev in simple_menu.button_events():
    if ev == buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT:
        # Left
    elif ev == buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT:
        # Right
    elif ev == buttons.TOP_RIGHT:
        # Select

New in version 1.4.